How to Make Worship More Than a Spectator Sport

Reading Time: 2 minutes


What’s the cure for passive worship? Only the Holy Spirit can truly transform our good intentions into life-changing actions in the people we serve. But as worship leaders, we can create the right atmosphere for the Spirit to move. How can we make worship more than a mindless spectator sport?

Too often, our worship services become passive experiences because we’ve gradually become passive worship planners. When preparing for Sunday, we can reuse elements from last week, or intentionally plan something pivotal. The latter requires intention:

  1. Ask Your Pastor for a Clear Objective – Don’t just ask for the sermon topic, ask for the desired takeaway. Will the congregation understand, be motivated, challenged or comforted? Once the destination is clear, you can chart the course.
  2. Choose Songs that Speak to Hearts – Steer clear of showy songs that wow with volume but lack meaning. Big dynamics may rev up energy and get hands clapping, yet can fall flat when Monday comes. What matters most are lyrics that speak truth and placement that supports the theme.
  3. Relate Music to the Service – Celebratory songs belong in praise, quieter ones in prayer. Give space between songs – don’t rush. Show their significance through your pacing.
  4. Evaluate Your Impact – Debrief Sunday’s service. Did your musical moments land as intended? Widen your sources beyond the pastor and friends. You want truth, not just compliments.

The Plan in Action

Say the pastor wants people to grasp God’s healing power. A good objective.

You choose “Come As You Are” by Crowder. It’s a soulful call for broken people to come to Jesus:

Come out of sadnessFrom wherever you’ve beenCome broken heartedLet rescue begin

Lead into it with confession and silent prayer. Start it quietly, let it build, then diminish. Follow with a testimony of healing. Leave a reflective pause before the next element.

When we intentionally choose each element of a service, even simple songs or prayers can have an important impact. If we put care into planning worship, our people may actually remember a significant detail that sticks with them. God can use our mindful preparation to highlight the precise truth or experience someone needed from that service.

Bottom Line: Evaluating your intentions and pacing music thoughtfully around a clear message can make worship participatory, not passive. With the Spirit, we can create services that change hearts.

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This Week’s Top Songs

Keep track of the top CCLI, Praisecharts, CCM and Hymncharts along with lyrics! There’s nothing like this list on the Internet! Go to the Top Songs page.

Find Hymns That Match Your Favorite Worship Songs

Which hymns go well with Bethel’s Goodness of God? Search at HYMNDEX.COM.

YouTube Worship Playlists!

From Worshipflow editor Don Chapman:

I like to listen to Youtube videos/podcasts as I drive around and have wished I could find a good, current playlist of all the top worship songs.

I can’t find any! So I made my own on the Worshipflow Youtube channel!

You’ll find playlists for the top CCLI, Praisecharts and CCM radio hits updated every week.

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