What Can Worship Leaders Say Between Songs?

Reading Time: 3 minutes


You’re up on stage leading worship. The final chorus of “10,000 Reasons” fades out. Now there’s silence. Awkward silence. What can you say to fill this gap between songs?

Many worship leaders feel anxiety about these between-song moments. Maybe you’re one of them. I totally get it. Leading the music is the fun part. Pastoring the flock from stage is tougher.

But sharing brief spiritual thoughts between songs can transform your congregation’s worship experience. It helps them connect the lyrical dots. It focuses their attention on God. It prepares their hearts to encounter Him through your music.

So don’t just verbally vamp or crack lame jokes during transitions. Take the mic and pastor your people! Here are five things you can say as a worship leader between songs:

Offer a Call to Worship

Right after your opening song is a perfect time for a call to worship. Remind your congregation why they’re there. What’s the purpose of praising God through music? Don’t assume they know.

Your call to worship should inspire and compel people to actively engage in worship. For example:

“Church family, let’s be all in today as we worship. Don’t just spectate. Lift your voices with passion. Open your ears to hear from God. He inhabits the praises of His people. Expect Him to speak to you this morning!”

A call to worship focuses distracted minds. It motivates passive participants. Be brief but be bold as you rally the troops to worship the Lord.

Explain an Unfamiliar Song

Do you ever spring brand new songs on your church? You should! Singing fresh worship music keeps things from going stale.

But remember – what’s fresh to you can be foreign to them. Take 20 seconds before unfamiliar songs to offer context. Share a song’s backstory. Paraphrase the lyrics. Explain unusual metaphors.

This massively helps people grasp lyrical meaning on first listen. And when people understand songs, they sing with more passion and connection.

Here’s an example introduction:

“The next song uses the metaphor of light to describe how God rescues us from darkness. Verse two says ‘You called my name and broke my chains – the shadows can’t contain Your light.’ Let’s declare freedom and victory together!”

Small song intros make a big difference.

Share a Worship Testimony

Brief, personal stories help your congregation know you and build trust. They also reinforce spiritual truths. Tell how God recently met you through a worship song, Scripture verse or church service.

Like this:

“Last Sunday night I was in a really discouraged place. The enemy was attacking me hard with lies. I turned on a worship playlist and just sat still, focusing on the lyrics. God broke through! The truth of His Word lifted me from the pit. Worship totally shifted my perspective.”

Keep testimonies around 30 seconds. Use them sparingly but strategically – I once worked under a worshp leader who felt he needed to preach a 5 minute sermon every Sunday right in the middle of the praise set! It’s too much – leave the preaching to your pastor! However, occasionally hearing how God impacted your life inspires others to seek Him too.

Pray an Invocation

Praying between songs invites God’s manifest presence into your worship space. Ask Him to open ears, soften hard hearts, meet needs, and reveal Himself:

“Lord, we ask Your Spirit to fill this place. Open blind eyes. Unstop deaf ears. Heal the broken. Save the lost. Breathe life into Your people, God. We want fresh vision of who You are.”

Pray specifically based on what’s happening in your church community. These brief but powerful invocations focus your church on God, not just the music.

Guide a Prayer of Confession

Occasionally lead your church in a prayer of confession. This admission of communal sin shows we’re not self-righteous. It clears barriers blocking His presence.

Confess on behalf of your whole congregation:

“Father, together we confess ways we’ve fallen short this week. We’ve harbored anger and resentment. We’ve gossiped and judged others. We’ve made idols of people and things. We don’t love You fully. Forgive us. Cleanse our hearts. Make us new.”

Always end with a promise of God’s forgiveness and an expression of thanks. Then assure people of His endless grace. This will prevent them from wallowing in guilt.

Bottom Line: Pastor your flock between songs. Call them to worship. Explain lyrics. Share testimonies. Pray invocations. Offer confession. Doing this will take your leading to a whole new level.

People will experience true heart transformation – not just an emotional musical experience. And that’s the ultimate goal.

Worship Song Selection At-A-Glance
Rediscovering Hymns: A Worship Goldmine

This Week’s Top Songs

Keep track of the top CCLI, Praisecharts, CCM and Hymncharts along with lyrics! There’s nothing like this list on the Internet! Go to the Top Songs page.

Find Hymns That Match Your Favorite Worship Songs

Which hymns go well with Bethel’s Goodness of God? Search at HYMNDEX.COM.

YouTube Worship Playlists!

From Worshipflow editor Don Chapman:

I like to listen to Youtube videos/podcasts as I drive around and have wished I could find a good, current playlist of all the top worship songs.

I can’t find any! So I made my own on the Worshipflow Youtube channel!

You’ll find playlists for the top CCLI, Praisecharts and CCM radio hits updated every week.

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