How To Add New Worship Team Members

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Finding and developing passionate, skilled worship team members is one of the most important, and sometimes most frustrating, jobs of a worship leader. Let’s be honest – we’ve all experienced the eager volunteer who steps up but then can’t hack the commitment. Or the amazing vocalist who auditions brilliantly but ends up grating on the team.

Building a cohesive, Christ-centered worship team takes time, discernment, and plenty of patience. But having a rigorous onboarding process in place makes all the difference. Like a contractor inspecting materials before a big build, a good onboarding framework thoroughly vets new members, revealing cracks and flaws before they undermine the foundation.

The process must balance graciousness and truth, patience and conviction. Skills can be developed, but only if the heart is willing. Shepherding new talent is a privilege; we must tend our flock diligently.

Let’s explore key strategies for onboarding worship team members with care and wisdom. From auditions to probationary periods, you will learn how to assess new candidates musically and spiritually.

Initial Interview

The journey begins with a heart check – an initial interview to assess motives, commitment and calling. This is an opportunity to share your vision while learning what makes the candidate tick. Have them fill out an application to evaluate readiness on paper. Then schedule an in-person sit down over coffee or in your office. Come with an open mind and a discerning spirit.

Use this time to get to know their story. What drew them to worship ministry? How are they currently serving at church? Uncover their relationship with God. Dig into spiritual disciplines like prayer and bible study. Assess teachability by asking about mentors or training. Explain core values like excellence, faithfulness, and unity. Outline your worship culture and expectations around attire, punctuality, and practice time. Clarify their role and responsibilities.

Equally important is what you don’t say. While casting vision, don’t mentally hire or fire them yet. This is a two-way conversation, not a lecture. Make it relational; focus on getting to know their heart, not just laying down the law. Let them share questions and hesitations. If red flags arise, don’t ignore them, but reflect patience and grace. Remember, this is just step one. Discernment takes time.

Wrap up by praying together. Invite the Holy Spirit into the process. Then schedule a follow up skills assessment to continue the journey.

Skills Assessment

The initial interview reveals the heart, but now it’s time to assess talent and skill. Schedule an audition, requiring them to prepare 1-2 songs showcasing their vocal or instrumental abilities. Design an evaluation form to grade both technical proficiency and stage presence.

Set clear but simple expectations ahead of time. Send them the songs you’d like them to prepare so they can practice. Let them know if you want the audition to feel more like a real worship set or if a basic classroom format is fine. Specify anything important like equipment needed, time limits, etc. The goal is to eliminate surprises so they can fully focus on demonstrating their skills. Invite other members of your team to join you in the audition.

Run the audition like a mini-rehearsal. Open in prayer, then have them lead/play the songs while you fill out the evalutaion form. Take notes on strengths and areas needing polishing. Provide ample time for warm up; don’t critique the first run-through. Give positive feedback on what they do well before suggesting improvements.

Afterwards, huddle with your team to compare notes. Identify gaps between current versus needed abilities. Does their skill set align with the role? Are deficiencies simply due to nerves versus lack of competency? Decide if they are ready to serve now or would benefit from private coaching to build skills. Set a timeline for re-evaluation. The goal is to help everyone succeed, even if more development is required.

Remember, you are assessing skills, not accepting or rejecting the person. Mentor them through growth areas with compassion. If coaching seems unfruitful, there may be a better fit elsewhere. Shepherd them lovingly, as disciples of Christ.

Observation Period

The new member has passed the initial screens, but the journey isn’t over. Next comes a crash course in culture via an observation period. Think of this as a “test drive” – a low-pressure chance to kick the tires in the real church environment!

Start by inviting them to shadow the worship team at rehearsals. Let them be a fly on the wall as you plan sets, run sound checks, and polish new songs. Introduce them to the team and make them feel welcome. Brief regular members that this person is assessing fit, so transparency is key.

Once rapport is built, have them jump behind a microphone or on the drums to sing or play a song or two. Cue them through chord changes or tempo shifts. See how they take direction and gel with the existing team. Do they shine in rehearsals or crack under pressure?

Finally, invite them up for a whole rehearsal set or to join the Sunday morning team. Schedule a dedicated check-in afterwards to give feedback. Ask what they learned and observed. Share positives you noticed as well asconstructive critiques. Ultimately, you are evaluating team dynamics – do they elevate others or detract from unity? Remember, skills can be developed but character is revealed over time.

Let the observation period breathe; don’t rush to a yes or no. Let relationships deepen and assess consistency across multiple environments. If all seems well, it may be time to move them from the dugout to the starting lineup!

Trial Run

Like a rocket awaiting countdown, your promising candidate now awaits their first launch into the stratosphere of Sunday worship! Schedule them for a trial run service, either as part of the core team or in a limited capacity. Treat it as an experiment – a test flight to see how their skills and nerves hold up live and in the moment.

Give them a manageable but meaningful role, perhaps leading just one song they ace during rehearsals. Make sure sound levels and monitor mixes are optimized so they can hear themselves clearly. Gather before the service to pray over them and reconfirm arrangements. Check in afterwards to get their self-assessment.

Evaluation goes both ways during the trial run. Certainly you are assessing their chops and stage presence under the lights. But don’t neglect the subjective – how did they feel? Overwhelmed? Pumped up? Welcomed? Out of sync? Make this about learning, not pass or fail. Give encouraging feedback on what went well and areas to improve.

Remember, you’ve invested greatly in them by now. A trial run cements commitment and provides real-world experience beyond the practice room. With care and patience, these debut moments become launching pads into sustainable fruitful service.

Review Period

After the trial run, it’s time for thoughtful evaluation and review. Schedule a dedicated session to provide feedback and discuss their performance. Make this a two-way conversation – allow the new member to share their own self-assessment first before you provide your critique. Ask probing questions to understand their creative choices and how they felt up on stage. The goal is to spur growth through open and constructive dialogue.

Reinforce what they are doing really well before addressing areas needing polishing. Align comments with your core values and vision – are they excelling in skills but lacking in spiritual maturity? Be honest but not brutal; this is about nurturing gifts.

Provide concrete steps to build on strengths and improve weaknesses. Together, create an action plan with reasonable development goals and deadlines. Offer your personal mentoring and coaching. Check in periodically to assess progress and celebrate wins.

Approach setbacks with grace and patience. Remind them that excellence is a journey, not a destination. With consistent effort, desire, and reliance on God, they will grow into the calling. Just as Christ walks with us in our stumblings, so much we shepherd others through theirs.

The Fruits of Faith: Final Preparations for Service

The journey culminates with a final stretch – a probationary period providing one last gut check before full integration. How long should the probation period be? It’s up to you and the culture of your ministy. It could be a few weeks or 90 days. Define clear expectations upfront regarding commitment, preparation, teachability, and attitude. Schedule regular check-ins to provide feedback and assess alignment with your culture. Use this time to address any lingering issues through coaching and mentoring. With fair warning, probation offers a graceful exit if needed.

Assuming all goes well, hearty congrats are in order – it’s time to officially welcome them aboard! Host a commissioning ceremony to pray over and empower your new member for service. Thank them for their devotion and praise God for bringing you together. Share exciting visions for how they will elevate the team. Remind them of God’s faithfulness through this journey. Present them with a personalized worship team member packet summarizing your vision, values and expectations.

The rigorous road of audition, evaluation, development and probation is complete. But in many ways, the real adventure is just beginning. Walk with humility as we disciple and shepherd new members. Let us marvel at the journeys God ordains when we step out in faith, trusting His guidance and timing. Just as Jesus invites us to abide in Him, may we invite others to abide in our flock, growing together in joyful worship and praise.

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This Week’s Top Songs

Keep track of the top CCLI, Praisecharts, CCM and Hymncharts along with lyrics! There’s nothing like this list on the Internet! Go to the Top Songs page.

Find Hymns That Match Your Favorite Worship Songs

Which hymns go well with Bethel’s Goodness of God? Search at HYMNDEX.COM.

YouTube Worship Playlists!

From Worshipflow editor Don Chapman:

I like to listen to Youtube videos/podcasts as I drive around and have wished I could find a good, current playlist of all the top worship songs.

I can’t find any! So I made my own on the Worshipflow Youtube channel!

You’ll find playlists for the top CCLI, Praisecharts and CCM radio hits updated every week.

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